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supervisors of la Poste
Chronology Documentary files Research guides

1900-1959 - 1960’1970’1980’1990’  


On 2 July, the law reforming the statute of all PTT is voted in.

15 February 1990

Tests of postal stickers distributors and free postage automates in some Parisian and Francilian post offices.


Birth of Dynapost, subsidiary company of La Poste Group which takes care of the internal mail in the companies. Dynapost is the operator for the mail of the Tour de France cyclists.


Birth of Efiposte, subsidiary company of La Poste Group, which is in charge of the accounts postal financial management.

1st January 1991

Coming into force of the 2nd July 1990 law, La Poste becomes a corporation as a public operator.

March 1991

The name of Aeropostale is renewed thanks to a common subsidiary company between La Poste, Air France, Air Inter and TAT. Its activities is dealing with aerial transportation, freight charges, mail, and also passengers.

13 May 1992

The European Commission adopts the green book about the single postal market (which deals with the European Treaty in 1986)

7 February 1994

European Council resolutions about the growth of the comminatory post offices services

24 November 1995

After a 150 years service, the last travel of an "ambulant " is down (on the Bretagne line): the time of the itinerant postmen (postiers ambulants), working in the mail vans on the railroads, is over.

8 February 1995

Creation of La Poste's mediator. François Aron is the first to have this job.