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union postale universelle (UPU) The Universal Postal Union

Unitil 1874, the exchange of correspondence between different countries was carried out with no set rules; rates varied not only from one country to another but also according to the port of embarcation or unloading and the exchange of mail also depended on weight as well as distance. In September 1874, an initial treaty called the "Union Générale des Postes" was signed in Bern, Switzerland and became effective on 1 July 1875. The treaty simplified postal matters greatly, especially concerning the following agreement: the administration of each country will retain the full value of the postage it has issued, in exchange for which it will distribute any and all letters it has received from abroad, at no additional charge. The effect of this simple, logical, and practical solution immediately increased the breadth of international postal exchanges. At the next convention, which took place in Paris in 1878, 33 countries were present, compared to 20 countries three years earlier. At that time, the title of "Universal Postal Union" was adopted. The Union met periodically, with the goal of improving the effectiveness of its system.