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Circa 1476

Louis XI establishes the equestrian mail.


Appearance of the Guide des chemins de France by Charles Etienne, the first guidebook to French roads.

16 October 1627

Publication of the first postal rate for letters; monetary commodities and quoted values are used for the first time.

March 1672

Louvois establishes the Ferme des Postes whose first lease is granted to Lazare Patin.

7 December 1673

State Council decree protecting the lessee from any attempt to undermine his privilege.

June and November 1681

In an attempt to put an end to the fraudulent use of the Farmers rights, these two decrees issued by the Kings Privy Council exclusively confer the postal monopoly on the lessee, even when faced with a specific legal competition.


Birth of the first Post Book, a guide to postal routes for public use.

14 April 1719

Patent letters merge the university messenger service with the Postal Farm, thereby removing the main obstacle to an official institution.