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LOHOU Quentin

The evolution of labour relations law for non-career civil servants in the State Civil Service (mid 19th century-mid 20th century) [L’évolution du droit des relations du travail des agents non-titulaires de la fonction publique d’État (milieu XIXe-milieu XXe siècle). Relations individuelles et collectives du travail, protection sociale, emploi].

Research director : Jean-Pierre Le Crom

Certificate : Ph. D. of Law and Politic Science - University Nantes

Research / study realized study realized with the participation of CHP  Download the summary


«Pieces of live. The Queen’s Amelie Correspondence to the Marquise of Roure (1823-1854)» [«Fragments de vie. La correspondance de la reine Amélie à la marquise du Roure (1823-1854)»]

Research director : François Cadilhon

Certificate : Master thesis of contemporary history - University Bordeaux-Montaigne

Research / study realized study realized with the participation of CHP