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2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1992 | 1988


Naissance d´une administration moderne. La fusion des services postaux et télégraphiques français au XIXe siècle (The birth of a modern administration. The merger of the French postal and telegraph services in the 19th century)

Research director : Philippe NELIDOFF

Certificate : Ph.D thesis - University Toulouse 1

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP  Download the summary


La compagnie de navigation française des Messageries Maritimes de 1851 à 1914 : entreprise de transport public et service public (The Messageries Maritimes, a French shipping company for the sea transport of goods, from 1851 to 1914: public transport business and public service)

Research director : Dominique BARJOT

Certificate : Ph.D thesis - University Paris IV Sorbonne

Research / study realized without the participation of the CHP


Les maîtres de Poste dans le Pays de Rennes : 1738 - 1790 (Postmasters in the Rennes region: 1738 - 1790)

Research director : Annie ANTOINE

Certificate : Master's thesis - University Rennes 2

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP  Download the summary

LE BER Amandine

La Poste aux Armées, de l´arrière au front, pendant la Grande Guerre (The military postal service, from the backlines to the frontlines, during the First World War)

Research director : Annette BECKER

Certificate : Master's thesis - University Paris X

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP  Download the summary


Le développement des infrastructures postales en Gironde de 1914 à 1945. Service public et territoire (The development of the postal infrastructure in the Gironde from 1914 to 1945. Public service and territory)

Research director : Christophe BOUNEAU

Certificate : Master's thesis - University Bordeaux 3

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP  Download the summary

OGER Benoit

La Caisse nationale d´Epargne. Origines, enjeux, développements (1861-1914) (The National Savings Bank. Origins, issues, developments (1861-1914)

Research director : Michel MARGAIRAZ

Certificate : PH. D thesis - University Paris 8

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP  Download the summary

QUANTIN Gabrielle

La Poste aux chevaux et ses maîtres de poste en Côte d´Or sous la Révolution (1789 à 1799) (The equestrian mail and its postmasters in the Côte d´Or during the Revolution, 1789 to 1799)

Research director : Christine LAMARRE

Certificate : Master's thesis - University of Bourgogne

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP

RICHEZ Sébastien

Acculturation, implantation et développement des personnels et infrastructures postaux à travers l´exemple normand : 1830 - 1914 (Acculturation, establishment, and development of personnel and postal infrastructures through the Norman example: 1830 - 1914)

Research director : Jean-Pierre DAVIET

Certificate : Ph.D thesis - University of Caen

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP  Download the summary

RIVOIRE Laurence

Les agents des PTT et leur carrière dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle (Postal agents and their careers in the second half of the 20th century)

Research director : Sylvie SCHWEITZER

Certificate : Master's thesis - University Lyon 2

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP

TUTOY Raphaël

Les maîtres de poste en Basse-Normandie : XVIIe - XIXe siècles (Postmasters in Lower Normandy: 17th - 19th century)

Research director : Jean-Marc MORICEAU

Certificate : DEA - University of Caen

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP