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Les recherches réalisées

2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1992 | 1988


Les PTT à Tours sous la Troisième République : morphologie, dynamisme et partenariats urbains (The PTT in Tours under the Third Republic: morphology, dynamism and urban partnerships)

Research director : Jean-Marie MOINE

Certificate : Master's thesis - University François Rabelais - Tours

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP  Download the summary

BOOS Audrey

Le travail féminin dans les Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones en Alsace, de 1918 à 1939 (Female employment in the Post, Telegraph, and Telephone Service in Alsace, from 1918 to 1939)

Research director : Michel HAU

Certificate : Maîtrise - University of Strasbourg

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP  Download the summary


L´administration et le personnel des PTT dans le Nord pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale (PTT administration and personnel in the north during the Second World War)

Research director : Jean-Pierre HIRSCH

Certificate : DEA - University Charles of Gaulle - Lille 3

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP


Le personnel des Postes en France à travers l´exemple des 5 départements bretons : 1830 - 1914 (Postal personnel in France as exemplified by the 5 Breton departments: 1830 - 1914)

Research director : Claude GESLIN

Certificate : DEA - University Rennes 2

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP


Urbanisation et équipement postal. Les bureaux de poste en banlieue parisienne : milieu du XIXe siècle - fin des années 1930. Le cas du nord-est de l´ancienne Seine (Urbanization and postal facilities. Post offices in the Paris suburbs: middle of the 19th century - end of the 1930s. The case of the northeast of the former department of the Seine)

Research director : Annie FOURCAUT

Certificate : Master's thesis - University Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP  Download the summary


Le receveur des Postes, entre l´État et l´usager (1944-1973) (The postmaster between state and customer,1944-1973)

Research director : Patrick FRIDENSON

Certificate : PH. D thesis - EHESS

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP  Download the summary

MASSAT Elisabeth

Hommes et femmes dans la poste en milieu rural languedocien depuis 1900 jusqu´à 1980 (Men and women in the postal service in a rural Languedoc environment from 1900 to 1980)

Research director : Agnès FINE

Certificate : DEA - University of Toulouse - Le Mirail

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP

PACOUD Frédéric

L´histoire du syndicalisme postal : 1909 - 1940 (The history of postal unionism: 1909 - 1940)

Research director : Dominique BARJOT

Certificate : DEA - University Paris IV Sorbonne

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP

PELLET Aurélie

Le personnel des Postes dans le département du Rhône : 1871-1914 (Postal workers in the Rhône department : 1871-1914)

Research director : Yves LEQUIN

Certificate : Master's thesis - University Lumière - Lyon 2

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP  Download the summary

SALANON Nathalie

La Poste face aux changements technologiques : la modernisation du service des chèques postaux à travers la mécanisation et l´informatisation, de 1945 à 1980 (The postal service in the face of technological change: modernization of postal check services by means of mechanization and computerization, from 1945 to 1980)

Research director : Pascal GRISET

Certificate : Master's thesis - University Bordeaux 3

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP  Download the summary

TRETSCH Christophe

La vie à l´hôtel des Postes de 1801 à 1830 (Life in the master Post Office of Paris from 1801 to 1830)

Research director : Jean TULARD

Certificate : Master's thesis - University Paris IV Sorbonne

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP  Download the summary