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Les recherches réalisées

2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1992 | 1988


La grève de la Poste en 1974 (The 1974 postal strike)

Research director : Aimée MOUTET

Certificate : Master's thesis - University Paris-Nord

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP  Download the summary


La Poste en Indochine française de la fin du XIXe siècle à 1954 (The postal service in French Indochina from the end of the 19th century to 1954)

Research director : Jean-Louis MESTRE

Certificate : DEA - University of Aix-Marseille

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP / available for consultation with author´s permission  Download the summary


Les agents de maîtrise de La Poste entre changement prescrit et changement réel (Postal supervisors between prescribed change and real change)

Research director : Danièle LINHART

Certificate : Ph.D thesis - University Paris X

Research / study realized without the participation of the CHP


Le recrutement des employés de la Poste dans le Pas-de-Calais entre 1890 et 1920 (Recruitment of postal employees in Pas-de-Calais, 1890-1920)

Research director : Eric BUSSIERE

Certificate : Master's thesis - University of Artois

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP  Download the summary


Les ambulants : apogée et déclin d´un corps de métier à la Poste : 1945 - 1995 (Itinerant postmen: rise and fall of a trade profession in the postal service: 1945 - 1995)

Research director : Henri MORSEL

Certificate : DEA - University Lyon 3

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP/available for consultation with author´s permission  Download the summary

HUVELLE Christelle

Le secret postal et la censure pendant la période napoléonienne (Postal privacy and censorship during the Napoleonic period)

Research director : Yves BERCE

Certificate : DEA - University Paris IV Sorbonne

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP


La mobilité prof. des employés du tri postal entre 1958 et 1990 (Professional mobility among employees in postal sorting between 1958 and 1990)

Research director : Michel MARGAIRAZ

Certificate : DEA - University Paris 8

Research / study realized with the participation of CHP / available for consultation with author´s permissionr  Download the summary

MASSAT Elisabeth

L´évolution de la distribution postale dans le Couserans de 1840 à nos jours (The evolution of postal distribution in Couserans from 1840 to the present)

Research director : Agnès FINE

Certificate : Master's thesis - University Toulouse-Le-Mirail

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP  Download the summary

MIQUET Magalie

L´analyse du système des messageries dans les provinces du Nord sous l´Ancien Régime et la période révolutionnaire (An analysis of the forwarding services in the northern provinces under the Ancien Régime and the revolutionary period)

Research director : Dominique ROSSELLE

Certificate : DEA - University Lille 3

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP

PACOUD Frédéric

Naissance du syndicalisme postal (The birth of postal unionism)

Research director : Henri MORSEL

Certificate : Master's thesis - University Lyon 3

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP  Download the summary

RICHEZ Sébastien

La Poste dans le Calvados au XIXe siècle (The postal service in Calvados in the 19th century)

Research director : Dominique BARJOT

Certificate : Master's thesis - University of Caen

Research / study realized with the participation of the CHP  Download the summary