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Mémoire postale collection

Orders for available books should be mailed to:

Postal Museum / CHP
34 boulevard de Vaugirard
75015 PARIS

by mentioning the desired book as well as the shipping address, all accompanied by a check for the amount of the book.

Photo Couverture

Mémoire postale - Travail et intimité. Les PTT au féminin (Postal Memoir: A Woman´s view of the PTT)

Louise RAFFA-LONATI - Elisabeth LHOMET - Christiane FOURRIER - Josette LE NAOUR

Price : 14 € TTC

Photo Couverture

Si Paris RP m'était conté (If Paris RP were related to me)

Jean-Michel BOURQUARD - Muriel DEMORIEUX - Francis PIZZATO

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