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1758 - 1760

By letters of patente from the king Louis XV, Piarron de Chamousset sets up the "Petite Poste" (small Post Office) of Paris which named the letters boxes scattered in the capital, by opposition with the "Grande Poste" (Big Post Office) which appointed the main post-office, state-approved service for collecting (by the mail boxes) and delivering (by the mail carriers) of the inner-city area of Paris.

This type of service was successfully installed in others cities (Bordeaux, Lyon, Nantes, Rouen, Nancy, Strasbourg, Marseille and Lille), all these "Petites Postes" joined the national "Grande Poste" in 1780.

8 July 1759

A royal decree establishes a new postal rate for letters and gives the public the option of registering mail and documents without declaring their intrinsic value, for a charge of twice the regular rate.


A royal ordinence allows the opening of mail that Posts can’t find the recepient, in the presence of 3 members of the administration: this is the roots of postal wastes service.

17 August 1777

A State Council decree transforms the Postal Farm into a business and financial administration.


lesser postal services (the Petites Postes) are incorporated into the Royal Mail.


Re-establishment of the Postal Farm for the benefit of Joseph-Bazile Poinsignon.

31 May 1786

A council decree clearly defines administrative responsibilities by differentiating between quoted values and registered material.


Postal strike from 6 November to 2 December.